Faith-based organizations are of three types; Congregations, National networks, which include national denominations, and their social service arms, and finally, freestanding religious organizations.
Eliud Owalo, a devout Christian, understands the importance of supporting churches. He recognizes that for churches to serve their communities, they require financial resources. As an economist, he knows that unlike private businesses or government agencies, churches rely on internal funding.
The Eliud Owalo Foundation has actively engaged in various church events, both large and small, resulting in strengthened relationships and a deepened connection with God. This commitment to supporting churches remains ongoing.
Some of the churches the Foundation has supported include Nomiya Church in Kayole, Nairobi; Rakombe Church of Saviour in Asembo, Rarieda Sub-County; Nomiya Church, Mombasa Diocese; and AIC Church in Arina to celebrate the golden anniversary of the AIC church in Arina, Kisumu. In June 2023, Mr. Owalo met with over 300 religious leaders from the Nyanza region. Additionally, the Foundation has provided support to Nomiya Church Ongeche Diocese in Nyando, Sifuyo Catholic Church in Ugenya Constituency, among others.
We aim to grant financial support for pastoral projects, including outreach programs, schools evangelism, clergy and lay minister education. The Foundation invites proposals that should include the church’s history, mission, contact information, and a program description for funding consideration. Furthermore, we seek information on the number of people served annually and are dedicated to helping churches establish church capital campaigns as a generosity initiative, requiring resources above regular giving and tithes and offerings.